Tàpies Today: BARCELONA
The exhibition includes a fine selection of twelve medium and large format paintings, created between the end of the 1950s and the start of the twenty-first century, which permit the viewer to appreciate the evolution of Tàpies’s informal art. These are materic spaces, conscious and gestural amalgams that become objects of their own volition. In the words of the curator, the pictures are “pure emotional expression; a clamour of sorts,” and not only do they respond to the individual subjectivity of the artist, they also communicate a critical attitude vis-à-vis a specific socio-political and geographical context. Social impact and political commitment are expressed in an execution founded on emotional projection and individual historical perception. As Arnau Puig points out: “Tàpies, has created each work in pursuit, and as an investigation, of a peace he needed with regard to a conflictive environment; certainly for him. Or for those—once again—who might identify with it: Nuat (Knotted) (1997).”
In visual terms the artist utilizes an experimental symbolic language—already present in his first purely informal works, such as Matèria negra sobre sac (Black Matter on Sack) (1960)—combining this, as time goes by, with the assemblage of objects and different materials, as can be seen in Diaris amuntegats (Piled-up Newspapers) (1969), Ocre amb sis collages (Ochre with Six Collages) (1973) and Cadira i fustes (Chair and Pieces of Wood) (2002).
Not only is Tàpies’s pertinence manifested in his revolutionary visual language—it is also present in his humanist vision; in the vindication of emotion and poetry; in the introduction of Eastern philosophies with a magisterial use of empty space as a further element in the canvas —Forats i claus sobre blanc (Holes and Nails on White) (1968)—, and in his civic and social commitment. An oeuvre, in short, that goes on asking questions and addressing viewers in the twenty-first century.
A catalogue has been published for the exhibition which, along with the curator’s essay, includes two new readings of works in the show, written by curators Laura Copelin and Elise Lammer. The publication also includes a series of interviews with the four directors of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies from its inception until now—Manuel Borja-Villel, Nuria Enguita, Laurence Rassel and Carles Guerra—undertaken by the cultural consultant Llucià Homs. Also reproduced in the catalogue are two pictures that were featured in the 1958 Venice Biennale: Rectangles (Rectangles) (1958) and Oval gris morat (Purple-Gray Oval) (1958), the latter to be shown in the TEFAF Maastricht fair this spring, coinciding with Tàpies Today at the Mayoral art gallery.
Tàpies Today | Arnau Puig
Arnau Puig, philosopher and founder of Dau al Set speaks about the remaining importance of Tàpies work April 4, 2019Mayoral is pleased to present 'Tàpies Today', a monographic exhibition devoted to Antoni Tàpies which follows the artist’s creative trajectory and argues for the validity...Read more -
Ochre with Six Collages | Elise Lammer
Elise Lammer talks about the work "Ochre with Six Collages", published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, today" March 7, 2019More than a painted canvas Ochre with Six Collages is a hanging sculpture. Like other works from the same period it is seemingly made of...Read more
A Specific Void | Laura Copelin
An analysis of works in the exhibition "Tàpies, today" published in the catalogue of the exhibition March 4, 2019In Antoni Tàpies’s Empremtes de plats (Plate Prints ) a thick cloth appears to be cast horizontally over the center of the painting’s field. A...Read more -
Interviews with the Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors. Manuel Borja-Villel | Llucià Homs
Interviews with the ‘Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors by Llucià Homs. Published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, today" January 31, 2019An Interview with Manuel Borja-Villel Director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies 1990-98 Madrid, MNCARS, 13 September 2018 Llucià Homs: After these twenty-five years of the...Read more
Interviews with the Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors. Nuria Enguita | Llucià Homs
Interviews with the ‘Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors by Llucià Homs. Published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, today" January 31, 2019An Interview with Nuria Enguita Director of the Fundació Tàpies 1998-2008 Valencia, by telephone, 18 July 2018 Llucià Homs: Nuria, what was your personal experience...Read more -
Interviews with the Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors. Laurence Rassel | Llucià Homs
Interviews with the ‘Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors by Llucià Homs. Published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, today" January 31, 2019An Interview with Laurence Rassel Director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies 2008-15 Brussels, by telephone, 24 July 2018 Llucià Homs: What was your personal experience...Read more
Interviews with the Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors. Carles Guerra | Llucià Homs
Interviews with the ‘Fundació Antoni Tàpies’ former and current directors by Llucià Homs. Published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, today" January 31, 2019An Interview with Carles Guerra Director of the Fundació Antoni Tàpies since 2015 Barcelona, 25 July 2018 Llucià Homs: Carles, what has your personal experience...Read more -
Historical testimonies on Antoni Tàpies | Michel Tapié
A collection of testimonies about Tàpies given by Michel Tapié, Yvon Taillandier, Dan Evans and Roland Penrose. Published in the exhibition catalogue "Tàpies, Today" January 21, 2019The work of Antonio Tàpies is provocative, like all creative art; as communication it is unfathomable, secretive. It is not an enigma to be unravelled,...Read more