The Youngest Among Us All: Zao Wou-Ki on Joan Miró
Hard cover
Publisher: Mayoral Investigació
Dimensions: 23.9 x 17 x 1.5 cm
Pages: 106
This catalog explores the aesthetic affinities between two artists who lived in exile in Paris: Zao Wou-Ki and Joan Miró. The nine works showcased in our Parisian showroom are illustrated and are accompanied with a text by Salomé Zelic, the curator of the exhibition, and an interview with Emmanuel Guigon, enabling us to better interpret the correspondences between their respective works. Testimonials from Françoise Marquet-Zao, Joan Punyet Miró and Manuel Cargaleiro are featured, revealing the friendly bond between the two artists. Featuring archival images, quotes and exchanged letters, this catalog allows us to dive into the intimacy of this friendship that united these major twentieth-century artists. All the texts and documents are available in English and French translations.